This analysis is the first step in a longer journey. As a first step, the purpose of the analysis is to explore how useful features created using functional data analysis are a) in general and b) compared to other feature extraction/creation tools. The features will be tested using a supervised machine learning task where the alternative hypothesis is that the functional features are useful. Useful is defined as at least one of the feature coefficients is not equal to zero (i.e, \(\beta_j \ne 0\)) and the features are useful if the fitted model performs well on unseen data.
The aspiration of this work is to create something new and to expand the tools available to analysts. Functional data analysis is a powerful tool in the analytic toolbox, but functional data analysis is an esoteric branch of statistics. Thus, not many people know of what functional data are nor how to use functional methods. The ideas of this research are related to the Catch22 libraries in R, Python, and Julia for time series (Henderson 2022). The works are similar in that data, likely time series data enters the model and the functions output features. These features can be used in a variety of tasks, such as classification or regression tasks.
This exploratory paper follows a usual pathway in data analysis. First, the data is presented and described.A methods section proceeds that describes the framework of the analysis. Results are then presented. Followed by a discussion section.
The data for this project pertains to my household’s energy consumption. The data is obtained from a state-run website where residents can download their meter readings. For this project the data consists of 15-minute intervals. The fda library in R (J. Ramsay 2024) requires a matrix as an input so the data must be transformed from a dataframe to a matrix and converted from long to wide where the rows represent the 96 15-minute intervals in a day and the 1,343 columns represent the number of days in the data.
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# using the 15 min aggregated data# the below creates a matrix# rows are 15 min time intervals# cols are dates# matrix is used b/c the fda requires a matrixmat_15min <-matrix(data = df_energy_raw_clean[["kwh"]],ncol =length(unique(df_energy_raw_clean[["date"]])),byrow =FALSE,dimnames =list(time =unique(df_energy_raw_clean[["time"]]),date =as.character(unique(df_energy_raw_clean[["date"]])) ))
This section will define the features created using functional data analysis methods and provide details about their creation. The functional features are measurements on data derived using functional data analysis methods. In particular, smooth, differentiable curves are fitted to the data. The derivative of the curves are then used to extract or create features,such as the mean velocity or the maximum acceleration. The curves are fitted using a Fourier series expansion with 96 basis functions. Tentative readers will notice that there are as many basis functions as there are 15-minute intervals in a day. The result of this is a fully parameterized model. Regularization (J. O. Ramsay and Silverman 2005) was used to fit the curves to minimizing the impact of the full parameterization. The Fourier series was used because it is well suited for periodic data and because it is easy to obtain derivatives of the series. The data is considered periodic because energy consumption is continuous and the start of one day begins where the previous day ends.
The functional features will be tested against a well-known feature-creation library called Catch22. The purpose of the Catch22 features are to assess how the functional features compare to existing bodies of work in this space.
Both the functional features and the Catch22 features will be applied to a multi-class classification task where the response variable or supervisor is the day of the week (Sunday - Saturday). The model used for this task is the LASSO. It is expected that at least one of the feature coefficients in both sets of features will be non-zero. The number of non-zero coefficients will be compared as well as the test error performance metrics, such as Kappa.
Catch22 Features
In this step the Catch22 features will be calculated for each day. I don’t think calculating the features before splitting the data into train/test sets matters because each day is treated independently.
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# for each month, create a data frame (n months long by p cols) using the RCatch22 lib# MARGIN specifies how to apply a function 1 = rows, 2 = cols# FUN specifies what function to apply# FUN calculates the catch22 features# the output is a list of data.frames with features as rows (col name names)# and the values for these features in a col named values# simplify tells the apply not to alter the outputdf_rcatch22_features <-apply(X = mat_15min,MARGIN =2,FUN = \(x) catch22_all(data = x, catch24 =FALSE),simplify =FALSE)# add date as id col for downstream pivotdf_rcatch22_features <-mapply( \(x, y) { x[["date"]] <-as.Date(y)return(x) },x = df_rcatch22_features,y =colnames(mat_15min),SIMPLIFY =FALSE)# row combine the resultsdf_rcatch22_features <, df_rcatch22_features)# reset row namesrow.names(df_rcatch22_features) <-NULL# transpose the long dataframe to wide format# where features are cols# the names `names` `values` are hard-coded in pivot_wider# if there were a package update and those names changed,# the below code would faildf_rcatch22_features <-pivot_wider(df_rcatch22_features, names_from = names, values_from = values)# rm unused cols# df_rcatch22_features <- subset(df_rcatch22_features, select = -date)# drop missing/NAN vluesif (nrow(subset(df_rcatch22_features, subset =is.nan(DN_HistogramMode_5))) >0) stop("NaN present")
Functional Data Analysis
In this section the necessary components to git smooth curves to the data are created. As mentioned, we’ll use a Fourier series expansion to fit the curves. To expedite the process this code distributes computation across worker nodes (if they’re online).
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# since using Fourier series, with a harmonic accelerator need to specify T, the number of time intervals in the series# in this case T = 96 15-min periodsfda_T <-nrow(mat_15min)# num_ofBasis_functions_15min = num_ofBasis_functions_15min# the fda library allows to label the data/curvesfdaNames <-list("Time", "Date", "kWh")# defines the start and end point of the range in fractional hours# start = 0 b/c the beginning period is 00:00:00# end = 23.75 b/c end = 24 minus 15 minutes (in fractional hours)range_eval <-c(0, 23.75)# defines the entire sequence, from start to endeval_arg <-seq(from = range_eval[[1]],to = range_eval[[2]],by =15/60)# for the Fourier harmonic accelerator# see ... for an explanationfourier_omega <- (2* pi) / fda_Tharmonic_accerlation <-vec2Lfd(c(0, fourier_omega**2, 0), range_eval)# optimization: choose best lambda: smoothing via ldf# - define search grid# - exclude 0 otherwise error# - option 1 is finer grid, takes longer to run# - option 2 is coarse grid, good enough# lambda_grid <- c(seq(1e-5, 1, 1e-3), seq(1, 1001, 1))lambda_grid <-c(seq(1e-5, 1, 1e-2), seq(1, 1001, 10))
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# create fourier basis functions using fda library# use fourier basis because fitted curves are continuous and easily differentiable# also, there is a certain cyclicality to the data, as in the end of one day is the beginning of the nextfourier_basis <-create.fourier.basis(rangeval = range_eval,nbasis = fda_T)
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# check if any server is onlineif (!is.null(available_workers)) {# then use it/themplan(strategy ="cluster",workers =c(rep("localhost", num_cores), available_workers) )} else {# else use this machine onlyplan(strategy ="multisession", workers = num_cores)}# this part is fast# the purpose of this part is to ...step01_fdPar <-lapply(X = lambda_grid,FUN = \(x) fdPar(fdobj = fourier_basis,Lfdobj = harmonic_accerlation,lambda = x ))# WARNING: this part can be slow# leverage additional computing resources if available/desiredstep02_smooth <-future_map(.x = step01_fdPar,.f =function(x) smooth.basis(eval_arg, mat_15min, x),.progress =FALSE)# this part is fast# the purpose of this part is to ...fda_gcv <-vapply(X = step02_smooth,FUN = \(x) sum(x[["gcv"]], na.rm =TRUE),FUN.VALUE =numeric(1))# from the gcv values above, compute the lambda argmin (min gcv value)# the lambda argmin is used to find the optimal lambda valuemin_lambda <- lambda_grid[which.min(fda_gcv)]# apply optimal lambda# the purpose of this step is ...min_lambda_fda_fdPar <-fdPar(fdobj = fourier_basis,Lfdobj = harmonic_accerlation,lambda = min_lambda)# the purpose of this step is ...fda_fd_smooth <-smooth.basis( eval_arg, mat_15min, min_lambda_fda_fdPar)# apply previously defined names to the datafda_fd_smooth[["fd"]][["fdnames"]] <- fdaNames# house cleaning: parallelization: endplan(strategy ="sequential")
In this section the derivatives of the fitted curves are calculated - velocity of consumption and acceleration of consumption.
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# in this section the derivatives of the fitted curves are estimated# for avoid repeated code (DRY), have created a list structure to contain# the derivative fda objects, we'll see if this was a good idea# define named vector of desired derivativesfda_derivatives <-c(velocity =1,acceleration =2)# list with n elements# elements defined above in named vector# length of named vector == number of elementsfda_list_of_derivatives <-lapply(X = fda_derivatives,FUN = \(d) deriv.fd(fda_fd_smooth[["fd"]], d))
plot(fda_list_of_derivatives[[1]][tmp], main ="Velocity")
[1] "done"
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plot(fda_list_of_derivatives[[2]][tmp], main ="Acceleration")
[1] "done"
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In this section we begin the process of creating the functional features.
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# define prediction gridfda_derivative_prediction_grid <-seq(from = range_eval[[1]],to = range_eval[[2]],by =1/60)# first, create list of predicted D values# where D = derivative of order dfda_list_of_predicted_derivatives <-lapply(X = fda_list_of_derivatives,FUN = \(x) predict(x, fda_derivative_prediction_grid))# for area under the curveauc_sequence <- fda_list_of_derivatives[["velocity"]]auc_sequence <- auc_sequence[["coefs"]]auc_sequence <-ncol(auc_sequence)auc_sequence <-seq_len(auc_sequence)
Next we calculate the functional features for velocity and acceleration. Some of the features calculated include: min/max velocity/acceleration, the number of critical points, min/max number of positive/negative runs.
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# for e/ d in Derivatives defined above, calculate:# - min, max# - mean, median, sd, mad velocity# - number of inflection of points# calculate main featuresfda_features_velocity <-apply(X = fda_list_of_predicted_derivatives[["velocity"]],MARGIN =2,FUN =function(x) {list(argmin =which.min(x),argmax =which.max(x),min =min(x, na.rm =TRUE),max =max(x, na.rm =TRUE),mean =mean(x, na.rm =TRUE),sd =sd(x, na.rm =TRUE),median =median(x, na.rm =TRUE),mad =mad(x, na.rm =TRUE),skewness =skewness(x, na.rm =TRUE),kurtosis =kurtosis(x, na.rm =TRUE),critical_points =count_inflection_points(x),max_positive_run =max_run_lengths(as.numeric(x), TRUE),max_negative_run =max_run_lengths(as.numeric(x), FALSE) ) })
Overall, neither Catch22 nor the functional features were predictive.
Henderson, Trent. 2022. Rcatch22: Calculation of 22 CAnonical Time-Series CHaracteristics.
Ramsay, J. O., and B. W. Silverman. 2005. Functional Data Analysis. 2nd ed. 233 Spring St., New York, NY 10013, USA: Springer Science+Business Media, Inc.